满宝想了想道:“也不是很多人吧,我们这一路过去就碰见了一个商队,姓尤,挺可怜的,半途被马贼打劫了,剿匪之后拿到的东西送到沙州一卖,也就够路费和给战死的伙计抚恤金,不亏而已。”A demonic cult has summoned the ultimate beast, Bigfoot, to prowl the mountains and slaughter innocent victims. But when Claude is attacked by the creature, the curse of Bigfoot is passed down to him. Now Claude turns into a hairy, fanged beast at night, thirsty for warm blood. Only the power of a nun trained in exorcism can hope to set Claude free from this nightmare. But it m...恐怖片《驱魔大脚怪》剧情介绍由92083525影院在线整理提供。